Wednesday 31 December 2008

The edge of 2008

I'll definitely miss this year...some good, sweet things n yet so bitter. But i know, all these things make this year so special.

just some unspoken words... : ****************************

all things happened for a reason... we just have to look for it. stop crying over the pass, open your eyes, look forward. move forward. U may be surprised how much things u missed just by regretting the things that u lost, not appreciating the opportunity in front of u.

of coz we all sad and think how things were so good back then, but believe in yourself...u can make it better in the future. learn from experiences but don't punish yourself for it. give yourself another chance....and what is important, give others another chance.

we may trip and fall again...and cry the history repeat itself. but once we stand up straight, we stand up stronger. for someone so special, u may fall...and i will catch u. so just don't keep yourself so distance.


end of this 2008 year sayings :

"U will never know until u give it a try" ...(of coz not the negative once)
"Don't worry so much about the future, because it may not be as bad as you think it will be"

10 things why 2008 so special!!!

1. NZ trip was awesome...with great views, loveable people. (ni rasa nak transfer uni ni..haha)
2. uni life is like a roller coster..... scarry, nervous, stressing....and yet at the end, I'm able to smile happily =D
3. i'm doing my practical experience here in sydney....with the coolest managers.
4. sponsor increase the allowance =P (have been waiting forever for that)
5. more friends!!! ...."swheeetnyer"
6. Trip to melbourne n gold coast were good as well (except the weather)
7. changed my mobile phone (for free...not the latest one, but it's good for a change and maybe to leave things in the past behind)
8. got myself a niece,,,(hurm...."aunty" = i'm old)
9. i was a tutor at uni (even though supplementary...i don't hv free time though)
10. learn some girls stuff = make up-ing

Now, as usual...i'm hoping and praying that 2009 will be as good if not better. There are times when it turned out worse...but we will never know until we go through it. for me, i'll do my best to make it worth.

Happy New Year!!!

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